What's the difference between hard costs and soft costs in real estate development?

Hard Costs vs Soft Costs Overview

In real estate development, hard costs refer to direct construction expenses involved in the physical creation of a building, such as labor and materials, while soft costs are indirect expenses related to the project, including architectural, legal, and administrative fees, as well as permits and financing costs. Hard costs are tangible and directly related to the construction itself, whereas soft costs are more intangible, involving services and administrative duties that support the development process but are not part of the physical construction.

Hard Cost Examples

  1. Materials: Concrete, steel, wood, glass, and other construction materials.
  2. Labor: Wages paid to construction workers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and other onsite labor.
  3. Building Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, electrical systems, plumbing, and elevators.
  4. Landscaping: Trees, shrubs, sod, fences, and outdoor structures like patios and decks.
  5. Site Work: Excavation, foundation work, paving, and utilities installation.

Soft Cost Examples

  1. Architectural and Design Fees: Payments for building design, interior design, and specialized services like acoustic or lighting design.
  2. Legal Fees: Costs associated with legal advice, contract review, and any litigation.
  3. Permits and Fees: Money paid to local governments for building permits, zoning compliance, and impact fees.
  4. Financing Costs: Interest payments on construction loans and other financing charges.
  5. Insurance: Construction insurance, liability insurance, and other insurance costs during the development phase.
  6. Marketing and Sales: Expenses related to marketing the property, including advertising, sales commissions, and showroom costs.