Can landlords charge a lease renewal fee?

The Legality of Lease Renewal Fees

Whether a landlord can charge a lease renewal fee depends on the local laws and regulations governing rental agreements in the area where the property is located. In some regions, landlords may be permitted to charge a lease renewal fee as part of the terms of the lease agreement. In other areas, these fees might be restricted or prohibited by tenant protection laws. Both landlords and tenants should review their lease agreements and consult local tenant rights laws to understand if a lease renewal fees are allowed in their jurisdiction.

With lease renewal fees, landlords should remember to:

  • Be Transparent: Landlords are required to clearly communicate the existence and amount of any lease renewal fees in the initial lease agreement or lease renewal notice. Tenants shouldn't be surprised by this fee.
  • Be Reasonable: Fees must be reasonable and proportionate to the actual costs incurred by the landlord. They should not be excessive or used to generate additional revenue.
  • Provide Notice: Landlords typically need to provide sufficient notice before charging a lease renewal fee, allowing tenants to plan their finances and make an informed decision about renewing their lease.