What types of improvements are considered capital expenditures in real estate?

What Are Capital Expenditures?

In commercial real estate, capital expenditures are significant investments that improve property value, extend its lifespan, or adapt it for new use. Examples include structural changes, upgrading major systems like HVAC, enhancing energy efficiency, and significant interior remodeling. These expenditures, such as adding new rooms, installing solar panels, or implementing advanced technology systems, are capitalized for tax purposes given their long-term benefit to the property.

Examples of improvements typically considered as capital expenditures include:

  1. Structural Changes: Major renovations or construction work like adding new rooms, buildings, or extensions.
  2. Upgrading Systems: Installing or upgrading major systems such as HVAC, electrical, plumbing, or roofing.
  3. Improving Accessibility: Adding features like elevators or ramps to improve accessibility.
  4. Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Implementing energy-efficient solutions like solar panels, new windows, or insulation to reduce energy consumption.
  5. Safety and Security Improvements: Installing security systems, fire sprinkler systems, or making structural reinforcements to improve safety.
  6. Landscape Enhancements: Significant landscaping work or adding outdoor features like parking lots, fences, or pools.
  7. Interior Remodeling: Major interior renovations that reconfigure space or significantly upgrade the property, like upgrading kitchens or bathrooms in a residential property.
  8. Technology Upgrades: Implementing advanced technology systems, like smart home features or state-of-the-art building management systems.

These expenditures are generally capitalized rather than expensed in the accounting period they are incurred. This is because they provide benefits over a longer period, usually improving the property's value, functionality, and desirability in the market.

Recent Trends in CapEx

In 2024, the real estate industry is grappling with the impact of hybrid work models leading to decreased demand for office space and a divided market between highly desirable and less attractive properties. Retail real estate is experiencing unexpected resilience, while the Sun Belt region remains a focal point for investment, albeit with growing climate risk considerations. At the same time, challenges in credit availability and rising interest rates are influencing investment decisions, and there's a heightened focus on sustainability and climate resilience in property development and management.

Here are some areas where the approach to capital expenditures is evolving in CRE:

  1. Office Sector Changes: The real estate industry is adapting to the permanence of hybrid work models, which has decreased the appeal of office buildings to investors. This change has created a bifurcated market in the office sector, with a clear distinction between highly sought-after properties in prime locations and those that are less desirable. There's also an ongoing debate about the best approach to managing high-vacancy office buildings, with some suggesting repurposing while others propose demolition and zoning reclassification.
  2. Retail Sector Resilience: The retail sector has shown unexpected resilience, with retail tenant demand skyrocketing over the past 18 months. This resurgence comes despite the ongoing growth of e-commerce, indicating a reassessment of the sector and its future potential​​.
  3. Sun Belt Attraction: The Sun Belt continues to attract households, firms, and investors, buoyed by factors like lower regulations and taxes. However, the increasing risks posed by climate change could impact future investment trends in this region​​.
  4. Challenges with Credit and Interest Rates: Rising federal debt may potentially hinder private investments in the real estate industry, leading to slower economic growth and higher interest rates. This scenario poses challenges for property construction, investments, and returns. The reduced availability and increased cost of credit have also been significant trends, influencing transaction decisions and investment strategies​​.
  5. Sustainability and Climate Challenges: There's a growing focus on sustainability and climate resilience in the real estate sector. The industry is facing increasing government regulations and ESG mandates, along with rising insurance costs due to climate events. These factors are prompting a more urgent approach towards sustainability, particularly in areas prone to extreme climate events​​.
  6. Housing Affordability Issues: The affordability of housing remains a critical issue, with home purchases becoming increasingly challenging due to the combination of rising home prices and borrowing costs. The market has seen some stabilization in rent growth, although it remains a concern for many​​.

The real estate industry in 2024 is navigating a period of significant transformation and adaptation, influenced by factors like hybrid work models, retail sector resilience, and growing emphasis on sustainability and climate resilience.