HelloData Highlighted on the Financial Freedom Podcast with Michael Blank

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December 11, 2023

HelloData Covered on MB400: The Best of 2023 on Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing

Originally published on the Michael Blank Podcast: https://themichaelblank.com/podcasts/session400/

What were the top AHA moments on Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing in 2023?

As the year comes to an end, it’s time for a highlight reel of our most inspiring moments on the podcast in the last 12 months.

On this Best of 2023 episode, we revisit our conversation with Faisal Ensuan and Dr. Sheri Fluellan on why real estate syndicators need the right coach and reflect on Joseph Kimbrough’s advice around building relationships with high-net-worth investors.

We look back at Marc Rutzen’s insight on using AI for asset management, Chris Pomerleau’s guidance on overcoming imposter syndrome and Nicole Gauthier’s suggestions for connecting with a real estate investing mentor.

We also share wisdom from Rachel Richards on the value of financial independence, Ross Hamilton on successfully pivoting a real estate company, and Jon Jasniak on land flipping with no friction.

Listen in for Matt King’s advice on choosing a peer group that will help you level up and get free coaching from our top guests on Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing in 2023!

Key Takeaways

Faisal Ensuan & Dr. Sheri Fluellen’s insight on why real estate investors need the right coach

  • Get clear on vision and define what matters to you
  • Then identify what’s holding you back

Joseph Kimbrough’s advice on connecting with high-net-worth investors

  • Get active on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram
  • Spend time at exclusive gyms and private clubs

Marc Rutzen’s take on the benefit of using artificial intelligence for asset management

  • AI analyzes and summarizes data easily for quarterly reports
  • Use data for improvement and optimization of portfolio

Mandy McAllister and Camilla Jeffs tips on networking with potential investors

  • Play part of Yoda and cast investor as hero of story
  • Frame deal as investment opportunity vs. ‘I need you to invest’

Chris Pomerleau’s insight on overcoming imposter syndrome

  • Talking to investors outside circle scary at first
  • Lean into strength of team and successful track record

Nicole Gauthier’s advice on connecting with a real estate investing mentor

  • Share specific strengths and offer to provide value
  • Don’t expect anything in return

Ross Hamilton’s advice around pivoting a real estate company

  • Build audience first, then stack products
  • ‘Solve one problem at a time’

Jon Jasniak’s no-friction approach to buying and selling land

  • Uses seller financing rather than bank loans
  • Allows for huge ROI and 100% IRR

Rachel Richards’ insight on why financial independence is so important

  • Gave her opportunity to heal from painful divorce in Italy
  • Can recover from grief if you don’t have to worry about money

Matt King’s advice on choosing a peer group that will help you reach the next level

  • Follow successful people on YouTube or through podcasts
  • Spend time with people you admire and learn to think like them

My advice for Sudhir Jarajapu on finding a partner with complementary skills

  • Look for fellow mentoring student who is good at networking and relationships
  • Focus on finding deals and partner with capital raiser to accelerate success