Which Markets List Rental Units on MLS vs ILS?

MLS vs ILS: Where Do Landlords List Their Units?

When discussing rental listings, the choice between using a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and Internet Listing Services (ILS) often depends on the local real estate market, regulations, and the specific needs of landlords and property managers.

  1. Multiple Listing Service (MLS): MLSs are typically used by real estate professionals and are more common in markets where real estate agents play a major role in both buying/selling and renting properties. These services are highly regulated, provide detailed information, and often include listings that require a real estate agent to access. MLSs are more common in markets where there is a high degree of professionalism in real estate transactions and where real estate agents dominate the rental market.
  2. Internet Listing Services (ILS): ILSs are platforms like Zillow, Apartments.com, and Rent.com, which are accessible directly by consumers and landlords. These services are typically used in markets where landlords and property managers handle rental transactions directly without the intermediary of a real estate agent. They are particularly prevalent in urban areas or regions where the rental market is highly active and competitive, and where speed and volume of exposure are critical.

Markets Favoring MLS Listings:

  • Higher-end or specialized rental markets: In markets where rentals are part of a higher-end property segment or where properties require specific marketing strategies (like luxury rentals), MLSs are more commonly used.
  • Markets with a strong tradition of real estate brokerage: In regions where the use of brokers is the norm for rental transactions, such as New York City or areas with complex rental laws, MLSs are more prevalent.

Markets Favoring ILS Listings:

  • Highly competitive and large urban markets: Cities with a large volume of renters, such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco, see more use of ILSs. These platforms can quickly reach a large audience, which is important in high-demand areas.
  • Markets with a lot of small landlords or property managers: In areas where many properties are managed by their owners or small management companies, ILSs offer an easier and more direct way to list and manage rental ads.

The usage of MLS versus ILS can also be influenced by regional regulations, the prevalence of technology adoption among the population, and the overall structure of the local real estate industry.