What is yield on cost in real estate?

What is Yield on Cost?

"Yield on Cost" is a key financial metric in real estate, used to evaluate the profitability of investment, particularly in development or redevelopment projects. It is calculated by dividing the property's annual net operating income (NOI) by the total project cost, including purchase and development or renovation expenses. This metric helps real estate developers and investors assess investment performance, make informed decisions, and understand the risks and long-term potential of property development projects.

Here's a detailed look at the concept:

  1. Calculation: Yield on Cost is calculated by dividing the annual net operating income (NOI) of the property by the total cost of the project. The total cost includes the purchase price of the property and all development or renovation expenses. The formula is: Yield on Cost = Net Operating Income (NOI) / Total Project Cost
  2. Net Operating Income (NOI): NOI is the income generated by the property after operating expenses are deducted but before financing costs and taxes are considered. It typically includes rental income and other income (like parking fees), minus operating expenses (like maintenance, management fees, and property taxes).
  3. Assessing Investment Performance: Yield on Cost is particularly useful for real estate developers or investors who are involved in property development or significant renovations. It helps in assessing the performance of their investment by comparing the stabilized income (the income when the property is fully operational and leased) to the total cost.
  4. Decision Making: A higher Yield on Cost indicates a more profitable investment. It can influence decisions such as whether to proceed with a development project, how much to spend on renovations, or whether to sell or hold a property.
  5. Comparison with Market Cap Rate: Yield on Cost is often compared to the market capitalization rate (cap rate). If the Yield on Cost is higher than the prevailing cap rate for similar properties, it suggests the project has added value to the property.
  6. Long-term Perspective: Yield on Cost is a long-term measure and is particularly relevant in scenarios where the property's value and income potential are expected to increase over time due to development efforts.
  7. Risk Assessment: It also plays a role in risk assessment. A higher yield might compensate for higher risks associated with development, such as construction delays or cost overruns.

Yield on Cost is a valuable metric in real estate investment, especially for development projects, as it helps investors assess the profitability and potential return on their investment relative to the total cost incurred. It is similar in concept to cash-on-cash returns.