What is a narrative appraisal report in commercial real estate?

What is a Narrative Appraisal Report?

A narrative appraisal report is a comprehensive document that assesses a property's value, incorporating detailed property descriptions, market analysis, and valuation methods like the cost approach, the sales comparison approach, and the income approach. It includes financial analyses, comparisons with similar properties, and visual aids such as photographs and maps. Primarily used for financing, insurance, and investment decisions, these reports help illustrate a property's current market value based on an appraiser's detailed investigation and expertise.

The most important parts of a narrative appraisal report are:

  1. Property Description: Detailed information about the property, including its location, size, age, design, and condition. It also covers the property's zoning and use, such as retail, office, industrial, or multifamily.
  2. Market Analysis: An evaluation of the local real estate market, including trends, demand and supply dynamics, and comparison with comparable properties.
  3. Highest and Best Use Analysis: An assessment to determine the most profitable use of the property, considering legal, physical, and financially feasible options.
  4. Valuation Approaches: These typically include the Cost Approach (estimating the cost to build a similar property), the Sales Comparison Approach (comparing with similar properties that have recently sold), and the Income Capitalization Approach (analyzing the property's income-generating potential).
  5. Financial Analysis: Detailed analysis of income and expenses related to the property, including rental income, operating expenses, and potential income streams.
  6. Comparable Properties: Detailed comparison with similar properties in the area to help establish the property’s market value.
  7. Photographs and Maps: Visual aids such as images of the property and maps showing its location and surrounding area.
  8. Appraiser’s Certification and Qualifications: Information about the appraiser, including their experience, qualifications, and certification, to establish credibility.

Narrative appraisal reports are typically used for financing, insurance, tax, investment, or legal purposes. They are comprehensive and tailored to the specific property and market, making them a valuable tool for stakeholders needing a thorough understanding of a property's value and potential.