What are the types of obsolescence in real estate?

What Does Obsolescence Mean in Real Estate?

In real estate, obsolescence refers to a loss in property value due to various factors, and it's typically classified into three main types:

  1. Physical Obsolescence: This occurs due to the physical wear and tear of the property over time. It includes aging infrastructure, deterioration of building materials, and wear of fixtures and fittings. Physical obsolescence can be curable (if repairable at a reasonable cost) or incurable (if the cost of repairs is prohibitive or the deterioration is irreversible).
  2. Functional Obsolescence: This type arises when a property's layout, design, or amenities become outdated and no longer meet the current market standards or consumer preferences. Examples include outdated kitchens or bathrooms, inefficient room layouts, or lack of modern technological infrastructure. Like physical obsolescence, functional obsolescence can be curable or incurable.
  3. External (or Economic) Obsolescence: This is a loss in property value due to external factors beyond the owner's control, such as changes in the surrounding area, environmental issues, zoning changes, or economic conditions. For example, a new landfill or airport nearby, a decline in the local economy, or an increase in crime can lead to external obsolescence. This type of obsolescence is usually considered incurable, as the property owner cannot change these external factors.

Understanding these types of obsolescence is important in real estate valuation, investment analysis, and property management, as they directly impact a property's desirability, functionality, and market value.