What are leasehold improvements?

Leasehold improvements are modifications made to a rented space to suit the specific needs of a tenant. These can include interior remodeling, updates to flooring, lighting, plumbing, HVAC systems, and installation of technology infrastructure. The cost and ownership of these improvements are typically defined in the lease agreement, and they usually become the property of the landlord at the end of the lease.

These improvements are tailored to meet the specific needs of the tenant and typically include changes like:

  1. Interior remodeling: This could involve altering the layout, adding or removing walls, or updating the interior design to suit the tenant's requirements.
  2. Flooring: Replacing or upgrading the flooring to a more suitable material or design.
  3. Lighting and Electrical Upgrades: Improving or adding lighting fixtures and electrical systems to support the tenant's operations.
  4. Plumbing or HVAC Systems: Installing or updating heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, or plumbing to meet specific needs.
  5. Technology and Communications Infrastructure: Setting up internet, phone lines, and other communication or IT infrastructure.

Tenant improvements are usually agreed upon between the landlord and tenant, and the terms of who bears the cost and ownership of these improvements are often outlined in the lease agreement. Typically, even though the tenant pays for these improvements, they become part of the property and thus revert to the landlord's ownership at the end of the lease, unless otherwise stipulated in the lease.